How To Lose Weight: Personal Experience

If your goal is extreme weight loss and you don't like or don't have time for gym, you will probably find my experience useful.

To be honest, I'm not a fan of sports. I know this is the best way to stay healthy and maintain a good shape, but I don't have time and desire. All my gym is to run to the hotdog kiosk and back. Anyway, I found a way to lose weight quickly.

If you have major health issues - for example, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes or kidney issues, ignore this post. 

Looking ahead, I will say that the only efficient way to lose weight is not to eat, or eat as little as possible. With this said, losing weight without medicines will not work. A question arises - how to survive and not go insane? Especially when you need energy for work and daily routines. So here is the basic scheme.

As for the menu: drink only liquids. Liquids only. This may be tea, coffee (with of without sugar), broth/soup, protein shakes, soda/cola zero (sugar-free) etc etc... As you start feeling hungry, take another cup of tea or juice or even low-fat milk.

Calories: do not exceed 300-500 calories a day.

Food supplements:

Important: it is highly recommended to consult a doctor before you begin this diet.

1.3 DMAA - 1 capsule in the morning. It will help you concentrate on your daily tasks to maintain productivity.

L-Carnitine. Stimulates metabolism, 2 capsules a day. You don't want to let the diet ruin your metabolism and make you gain weight once you quit dieting.

Hellfire fat burner in the morning, 1 capsule a day. 

Fatburners which suppress appetite. In my case Hellfire from Innovative Labs works the best for me. It includes unpleasant side effects such as tremor, chills, inner tension, nausea and headache, but to eliminate those, take 50-100 mg of quetiapine before you go to bed and only then take one capsule of fat burner in the morning. 

As for other fat burners, I'm not sure, though I heard that Zion Labs T5, Black Mamba and Spider have a similar effect. Try those at your own risk.

Omega 3/6 - this is always important, google why. 1-2 capsules a day.


Impossible to buy without doctor's prescription

Zoloft antidepressant. 25-50 mg in the morning. Eliminates bad mood, you may need it later.

Quetiapine. This is antipsychotic, helps you get a good sleep (bad sleep always comes as a consequence of strict diets and starvation) and works as a corrector in case if you take fat burners.

Optional: polivitamines after a long diet.

Remember: the fewer calories you consume, the more weight you lose.

Why I recommend food supplements and medicines? To control your appetite, mood and well-being. As I said, the only way to lose weight fast is to actually starve yourself. The medicines I mentioned help you sustain and remain productive. 


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