
Posts uit december, 2020 tonen

How To Lose Weight: Personal Experience

If your goal is extreme weight loss and you don't like or don't have time for gym, you will probably find my experience useful. To be honest, I'm not a fan of sports. I know this is the best way to stay healthy and maintain a good shape, but I don't have time and desire. All my gym is to run to the hotdog kiosk and back. Anyway, I found a way to lose weight quickly. If you have major health issues - for example, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes or kidney issues, ignore this post.  Looking ahead, I will say that the only efficient way to lose weight is not to eat, or eat as little as possible. With this said, losing weight without medicines will not work. A question arises - how to survive and not go insane? Especially when you need energy for work and daily routines. So here is the basic scheme. As for the menu : drink only liquids. Liquids only . This may be tea, coffee (with of without sugar), broth/soup, protein shakes, soda/cola zero (sugar-free) etc etc... As you ...